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Kansas School Attendance Centers May Be Closed But Learning Continues

Yesterday, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, alongside Commissioner of Education Randy Watson and Kansas NEA President Mark Farr, announced that school buildings would be shut down for the rest of the school year, but learning would continue.  Like many educators, I was equally parts shocked and sad. Now that I've had some time to process the announcement, I am looking forward to hearing from the KSDE Continuous Learning Taskforce of educators, including Olathe's John Allison and Amy Hillman. This is an opportunity for us all to rethink what learning looks like in Kansas. It's a time of great possibility--one in which our most vulnerable students must be in the front of our minds.

Today, rethinking what learning and teaching looks like for me as an educator in ways I have never done before isn't enough. I've always been a "doer" in my professional life so my first step into this uncharted territory is this amateur-style youtube video. It's not fancy, it's not pretty, but it does capture my love of reading and learning.  I invite Kansas educators to join me: take your first imperfect step! #bettertogether
